At yesterday's appointment my contractions had grown from Monday's contractions. On the monitor screen (where they measure contractions and the baby's heartrate) the contraction part was starting (when they turned on the machine) in the high 50's. Everytime I would have a contraction it would jump up to the high 90's. On Monday they started in the low 30's and would jump to the low 70's when a contraction hit.
My doctor is pretty sure that I will not head into labor before Monday, but anyone who has had a child before knows, that children do not go by any book. Thankfully (
Jenni really has been a huge help, this entire pregnancy. For the last several months, she has been coming over every other weekend to help me with Lizzie, and just keep me company. It seems that even when we do nothing more then watch T.V. we have a blast with each other. I am really grateful for her, and glad that she is living in the same area as me. I would probably go insane without her around.
Well, I'll be off for the weekend, and will try to post next week, after Makenna is born, we shall see!
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