So I know this is a week late, but it's been a busy week.
Early Monday morning my mom, Nick, and I headed to the hospital in order to begin my induction. We got there, and were sent to the waiting room, because on that day, they were very busy. We sat in the waiting room for almost two hours waiting for my name to be called. When it was finally called, I was brought right into a room, asked to give a sample, hooked to the baby monitor, and had an IV hooked into me.
After about 30 minutes my doctor came in to break my water, which was beyond painful. It would seem that my bag did not want to be popped. I was then given the drug Pitocin and soon my contractions began.
I wasn't very smart, because Nick and I had planned to have a C-Section until the last minute, where I decided I wanted to at least try having a natural birth once, so we have never taken any birthing classes. 1. Because we couldn't afford them. and 2. Kaiser would not cover the classes, because they were not classes given by Kaiser, yet there were no classes provided by Kaiser, here in the Desert. So I was not prepared for the pain, and had no idea on how to breathe.
So while my mom was trying to explain how to breathe properly, I was having an issue with the contractions and the blood pressure cuff (it was squeezing tight and left a nasty bruise on my arm).
It was soon found that my blood pressure was rising and my doctor decided to place me on magnesium sulfate to try and lower my bp.
So for 12 hours (during which, I was not allowed to eat because of the magnesium sulfate) I was in labor, but it was soon found that I was not progressing as far as my doctor wanted. I was only 4cm along. It was then decided that I would have a C-Section.
So I was prepped for surgery, and Nick came in with me. I was nervous and worried about something happening and everyone who knows me, knows that I never do well with pressure and nerves. So I'm on the table, Nick is sitting next to me, and I manage to lose the med they had given me (that was supposed to prevent me from throwing up), then I couldn't breathe (to which I was told was normal - the numbing drug that they gave me I guess does that), then I could feel them cutting into me (like sharp pinches - I wasn't completely numb), and then Makenna wouldn't come out, so they had to push above my stomach to assist her (which hurt like no other).
Finally Makenna was out, and I was light-headed. I was so out of it, that I wasn't able to look at her until I was back into the recovery room. Once I was back into the room my mom, Jenni, and Nick were all there looking at Makenna.
My mom and Jenni were asked to leave, and they both promised to be back in the morning. So Nick and I were left to get to know our newest daughter. She was so beautiful, and I just didn't want to ever put her down.
The next day, dad, Darren, Jenni, and Lizzie came to visit (Mom was already there). It was time for Lizzie to meet her baby sister. She was so cute about the whole thing. She wanted to hold Makenna all by herself, so she marched right over to a chair, climbed on top, sat down, and held her hands out, waiting for someone to place Makenna there.
So for a while Lizzie was in awe of Makenna, but then she got bored (like most two year olds do) and was ready to move on to something else. So all-in-all it was a long painful day, but it was well worth it at the end. Although we are very done for a very long time... lol
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Slight Nerves

At yesterday's appointment my contractions had grown from Monday's contractions. On the monitor screen (where they measure contractions and the baby's heartrate) the contraction part was starting (when they turned on the machine) in the high 50's. Everytime I would have a contraction it would jump up to the high 90's. On Monday they started in the low 30's and would jump to the low 70's when a contraction hit.
My doctor is pretty sure that I will not head into labor before Monday, but anyone who has had a child before knows, that children do not go by any book. Thankfully (
Jenni really has been a huge help, this entire pregnancy. For the last several months, she has been coming over every other weekend to help me with Lizzie, and just keep me company. It seems that even when we do nothing more then watch T.V. we have a blast with each other. I am really grateful for her, and glad that she is living in the same area as me. I would probably go insane without her around.
Well, I'll be off for the weekend, and will try to post next week, after Makenna is born, we shall see!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Next Monday!!
So it's official. We will be inducing next Monday (6/28). My doctor does not want me going to my due date, because she does not want to have to worry about what will happen to the baby between now and then. So Nick and I will be leaving our home at 6 in the morning and getting hooked to a machine, blood drawn, IV placed, an epidural set up, and that drug (the name is skipping me, but it starts with a 'P') then about an hour after I am all hooked up, my doctor will come in and manually break my water.
So I am told that having the baby induced can be worse (pain wise for me), plus having to have my water manually broken, which is why she plans on giving me an epidural, before she breaks the bag. So we shall see what happens!!! I'll keep everyone updated!!
So I am told that having the baby induced can be worse (pain wise for me), plus having to have my water manually broken, which is why she plans on giving me an epidural, before she breaks the bag. So we shall see what happens!!! I'll keep everyone updated!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
One Year Older
So today I am 25... I honestly never thought I would get to this age, not because of death, but because as a teen turning 25 was so far away, that I didn't realize it was coming closer.
Today I have no plans, I was supposed to Wal-Mart to get some of the things we needed, but I ended up throwing up this morning, which made Nick and I miss the bus. So Nick had to ride his bike to work, and I didn't have the dollars to go. We decided it would just be best if I stayed at home, and if Nick remembered then he would bring home some food for us.
We might get to go out on Sunday, for dinner, but it really depends on Nick schedule, so for now I sit here and watch T.V. while dealing with a headache and upset stomach. Thank goodness Lizzie is with Grandma, otherwise relaxing would have been out of the question.
Yesterday was my doctors appointment and Nick and Jenni got to go with me. Jenni thought that hearing the heartbeat was strange, but I know she was glad to be there. Then after that we went home and began the cleaning. I helped were I could, mainly sitting on the couch helping with trash and what ever else Jenni wanted me to do. She vacuumed the whole house and helped Nick move things around. Nick tackled the kitchen and bathroom. They then both tackled Lizzie's room (which was a mess) but now the house is clean and even though Nick and I do not have a working vacuum (Darren and Dad let us borrow one of theirs) we are hoping to keep it clean. So far we are doing well.
I personally think it was the cleaning supplies that Nick was using yesterday that made me so sick today. Lysol is not something that I personally like to smell, but Lizzie's room needed to be cleaned like there was no tomorrow...
Today I have no plans, I was supposed to Wal-Mart to get some of the things we needed, but I ended up throwing up this morning, which made Nick and I miss the bus. So Nick had to ride his bike to work, and I didn't have the dollars to go. We decided it would just be best if I stayed at home, and if Nick remembered then he would bring home some food for us.
We might get to go out on Sunday, for dinner, but it really depends on Nick schedule, so for now I sit here and watch T.V. while dealing with a headache and upset stomach. Thank goodness Lizzie is with Grandma, otherwise relaxing would have been out of the question.
Yesterday was my doctors appointment and Nick and Jenni got to go with me. Jenni thought that hearing the heartbeat was strange, but I know she was glad to be there. Then after that we went home and began the cleaning. I helped were I could, mainly sitting on the couch helping with trash and what ever else Jenni wanted me to do. She vacuumed the whole house and helped Nick move things around. Nick tackled the kitchen and bathroom. They then both tackled Lizzie's room (which was a mess) but now the house is clean and even though Nick and I do not have a working vacuum (Darren and Dad let us borrow one of theirs) we are hoping to keep it clean. So far we are doing well.
I personally think it was the cleaning supplies that Nick was using yesterday that made me so sick today. Lysol is not something that I personally like to smell, but Lizzie's room needed to be cleaned like there was no tomorrow...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
37 Weeks, 4 days & still hanging in there
So Monday has come and gone.
Everything is well. My bp lowered to 129/84 and I lost a pound!!! I was so glad that I didn't have to end up at the hospital. My doctor, Dr. Bodon, is sure that I could give birth any day now, because during the 30 minute non-stress test, I had about 7 strong contractions, and several minor ones. Her goal is to get me to go as far as possible, having the tests once a week. I think she start checking, to see if I am at dilated, on my next appointment, which is on Thursday.
Jenni is hopefully coming over tomorrow! She has her college orientation, but she hopes to come over after that. I hope she does too, because she really helps keeps me sane!! Without her, I would be bored. I mean even when we are doing nothing more then watching T.V. it's still nice having someone there to at least talk to!!
Nick is on standby for his work, letting them know that he could be getting that phone call any day now, and then he really will have to go. His work has been very understanding about this whole pregnancy, and working with him to allow him to get to appointments and answer my phone calls.
Well today's post is sort of all over the place, but I at least wanted to update everyone and let them know what has been happening!!
Everything is well. My bp lowered to 129/84 and I lost a pound!!! I was so glad that I didn't have to end up at the hospital. My doctor, Dr. Bodon, is sure that I could give birth any day now, because during the 30 minute non-stress test, I had about 7 strong contractions, and several minor ones. Her goal is to get me to go as far as possible, having the tests once a week. I think she start checking, to see if I am at dilated, on my next appointment, which is on Thursday.
Jenni is hopefully coming over tomorrow! She has her college orientation, but she hopes to come over after that. I hope she does too, because she really helps keeps me sane!! Without her, I would be bored. I mean even when we are doing nothing more then watching T.V. it's still nice having someone there to at least talk to!!
Nick is on standby for his work, letting them know that he could be getting that phone call any day now, and then he really will have to go. His work has been very understanding about this whole pregnancy, and working with him to allow him to get to appointments and answer my phone calls.
Well today's post is sort of all over the place, but I at least wanted to update everyone and let them know what has been happening!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
My body working against me
So on Thursday, things were supposed to be simple... but when are they ever?
It started out well. I had learned that my mom, Ashley (my youngest sister, Jenni, best friend), and Nicole (my younger sister) were going to be in town, on time for my doctors appointment. I was excited because 1.) I wasn't going to have to take a bus and 2.) Lizzie would be able to come with us, should I be sent to the hospital. That was something that Nick and I had to be prepared for at all time!
So Mom took Lizzie and I to the doctors and things were going well. But then of course my bp had to act up. My bp was at 160/90 and slowly rising. Now normally that would be considered borderline, but since my pregnancy with Lizzie ended up with pre-eclampsia, so they waited a minute or two and then retook my bp only to find it had gone up to 162/90 so I was sent right to the hospital.
Now on this day, my youngest sister Jenni was going to be graduating from high school, and had given me a firm warning that Makenna was not allowed to come on her graduation. But of course, since when did any baby listen to what they are told?
So Nicole called my dad to come pick up her, Ashley, and of course Lizzie, so they wouldn't have to sit in the hospital. Mom was considering what to do, and it was decided that it would be best, since mom did come down for Jenni's graduation, that she would go to the graduation.
I knew it would be boring alone, but I really didn't want to upset her day, so I stayed in the hospital, and prayed for my bp to go down. Finally about 2 hours later, my bp had lowered enough for me to go home. So Mom came and picked me up, and I got to spend some time with Jenni and go to her graduation.
I am glad that I didn't have to give birth, and when I go in on Monday to see my doctor, we will see what she has to say. It may very well end up with me getting sent back to the hospital. Or she may have Nick and I pick a date to have a c-section.
Since my bp is starting to act up, it has been decided that I can no longer have the choice to have a natural birth. With my bp acting the way it is, I could end up in a seizure while in labor. So on Monday I hope to have more answers, and I guess we will see what will happen. I will update again on Monday!
It started out well. I had learned that my mom, Ashley (my youngest sister, Jenni, best friend), and Nicole (my younger sister) were going to be in town, on time for my doctors appointment. I was excited because 1.) I wasn't going to have to take a bus and 2.) Lizzie would be able to come with us, should I be sent to the hospital. That was something that Nick and I had to be prepared for at all time!
So Mom took Lizzie and I to the doctors and things were going well. But then of course my bp had to act up. My bp was at 160/90 and slowly rising. Now normally that would be considered borderline, but since my pregnancy with Lizzie ended up with pre-eclampsia, so they waited a minute or two and then retook my bp only to find it had gone up to 162/90 so I was sent right to the hospital.
Now on this day, my youngest sister Jenni was going to be graduating from high school, and had given me a firm warning that Makenna was not allowed to come on her graduation. But of course, since when did any baby listen to what they are told?
So Nicole called my dad to come pick up her, Ashley, and of course Lizzie, so they wouldn't have to sit in the hospital. Mom was considering what to do, and it was decided that it would be best, since mom did come down for Jenni's graduation, that she would go to the graduation.
I knew it would be boring alone, but I really didn't want to upset her day, so I stayed in the hospital, and prayed for my bp to go down. Finally about 2 hours later, my bp had lowered enough for me to go home. So Mom came and picked me up, and I got to spend some time with Jenni and go to her graduation.
I am glad that I didn't have to give birth, and when I go in on Monday to see my doctor, we will see what she has to say. It may very well end up with me getting sent back to the hospital. Or she may have Nick and I pick a date to have a c-section.
Since my bp is starting to act up, it has been decided that I can no longer have the choice to have a natural birth. With my bp acting the way it is, I could end up in a seizure while in labor. So on Monday I hope to have more answers, and I guess we will see what will happen. I will update again on Monday!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Oh the Joys!
Being almost 37 weeks pregnant is a new, exciting, yet frightening thing for me right now. Seeing as I never made it past 34 weeks with Lizzie, I am currently going through a whole new experience. I seem to be going through a lot of contractions, weight gain, and the swelling of my body.
Yesterday I discovered that my hands were swelling. I only discovered this because my wedding ring is currently leaving an impression onto my skin. My feet are also slightly swelling, but not as bad as they were with Lizzie, so I am sure that this is just one of the joys of being the final stage of being pregnant (please note sarcasm!)
I am so tired all the time, I don't know how I am supposed to keep up with an energized 2-year old. Yesterday I placed Lizzie down for a nap, and then went to go take on myself. I was woken up, when Nick came home from work, and said that it looked like we had been robbed. He came home and found that not only was Lizzie's gate still up, but she was out of her room, and had ransacked the living room. It was a huge disaster.
We had no idea how she got out of the gate, that is until at 12am she woke up and opened her door. I looked over and Lizzie was pushing the bottom of the gate out, in order to climb under it, to get out. Leave it to my 2-year old to figure out how to get around a gate. After all, she seems to get around everything else.
Yesterday I discovered that my hands were swelling. I only discovered this because my wedding ring is currently leaving an impression onto my skin. My feet are also slightly swelling, but not as bad as they were with Lizzie, so I am sure that this is just one of the joys of being the final stage of being pregnant (please note sarcasm!)
I am so tired all the time, I don't know how I am supposed to keep up with an energized 2-year old. Yesterday I placed Lizzie down for a nap, and then went to go take on myself. I was woken up, when Nick came home from work, and said that it looked like we had been robbed. He came home and found that not only was Lizzie's gate still up, but she was out of her room, and had ransacked the living room. It was a huge disaster.
We had no idea how she got out of the gate, that is until at 12am she woke up and opened her door. I looked over and Lizzie was pushing the bottom of the gate out, in order to climb under it, to get out. Leave it to my 2-year old to figure out how to get around a gate. After all, she seems to get around everything else.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My Simple Pleasures
I just love it when I get to watch Lizzie do something new. Lately my wonderful two year old has taken a liken to Elmo. When she sees him, her face just lights up. She gets a huge smile on her face, and she is glued to the T.V. or laptop until there is no more Elmo. Today I pulled 'Elmo in Grouchland' on Netflicks and Lizzie sat next to me on the couch for two hours watching her favorite person in the whole world.
It can be hard going into a store with her, because when she sees an Elmo, she either grabs it, screams for it, or looking longingly at it. When that face comes up, I almost feel guilty because we can't always get her the doll or item, like I would like to. Because of Elmo my daughter now knows the tune for her ABC's and sometimes it even seems like she is counting, like when she climbs up and down the stairs at our apartment.
For me, seeing Lizzie learn new things, is one of the greatest pleasures that I can enjoy. Her bright smile, makes me smile!
It can be hard going into a store with her, because when she sees an Elmo, she either grabs it, screams for it, or looking longingly at it. When that face comes up, I almost feel guilty because we can't always get her the doll or item, like I would like to. Because of Elmo my daughter now knows the tune for her ABC's and sometimes it even seems like she is counting, like when she climbs up and down the stairs at our apartment.
For me, seeing Lizzie learn new things, is one of the greatest pleasures that I can enjoy. Her bright smile, makes me smile!
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